
As an Ecumenical Church, our ministers are appointed in denominational rotation when possible. Revd Jonathan Edwards who is a Baptist minister, commenced his ministry with us on Easter Sunday 2021.

We are minimal on formality and actively encourage others to participate in worship. This may be by doing the Bible reading on a rota system, taking up the offertory, helping to serve Holy Communion or acting as a friendly greeter at the church doors, etc.

Central Church logo

The Central Church symbol on the left depicts the Christian Cross rooted in the world but extending into the flame of the Spirit, all drawn in one continuous line, signifying the wholeness of the Kingdom of God.

The Central Church Symbol

Our Sunday worship commences at 10.30 a.m. with Holy Communion being served on the second and fourth Sundays. We have an ‘open table’, so there are no barriers as to who can and can’t take Communion.

All are welcome to write in our ‘Prayers of Intercession’ book. This is brought forward during the service so that the minister can pray for people or causes that we have been asked to remember.

We offer both Infant and Believers’ Baptism.