SWINDON COMMERCIAL CHAPLAINCY: SCC’s office is in the Pilgrim Centre. They have a team of voluntary chaplains who visit places of work in the town centre, mostly retail. The chaplains listen and stand alongside workers in times of joy and sadness and in the ordinariness of a usual day. Conversations are held in confidence and without judgement. The service is available to those of all faiths and none.

Called to Nourish, to Nurture and to Equip
Welcome to New Life Christian Ministry, a church that bases all activities on biblical principles and promotes an environment where people from different walks of life can praise, worship and meet with God.
Regular meetings are held throughout the week. You are welcome to attend.
Worship Service (and Sunday School)
12.30 – 2.30pm
Prayer and Bible study
7.30 – 9.00pm
Online via ZOOM
Online prayer meeting – first Wednesday of each month.
For further information contact Pastor Greg Davis.
Email: al.davis7@yahoo.co.uk
Tel: 07899 656481
LAGOINHA SWINDON CHURCH: this Brazilian Baptist church, led by Pastor Yuri Politani, meets in Central Church at 6 pm on Sunday.
BIG BREAKFAST PLUS: BB+ meet at Central Church every day from 7.30-9.00am. They are currently serving a free hot breakfast to more than fifty people on each of those days.
ALTERNATIVE ANGELS: Alternative Angels are a charity that feed the homeless and those suffering from food poverty. They offer hot meals, snacks, and hot and cold drinks. They are currently feeding approximately 100 people a night on two evenings a week – Monday and Tuesday from 6.30-7.45pm at Central Church.